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Belgian Game Spotlight - Trifox

With this new monthly feature, we intend to spotlight some Belgian games that deserve a bit of extra attention. First off, we have the twin-stick action-adventure, Trifox, which is made by (the ironically three-headed) Glowfish Interactive and was also nominated for this year's Belgian Game Awards in the Most Anticipated category.

Inspired by the approachable aesthetics of classic 3D platformers and action-adventures like Crash Bandicoot & Spyro the Dragon, Trifox combines the gameplay from these genres and adds some fun twin-stick shooting into the mix.

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You'll notice the typical top-down perspective which is often used in the twin-stick shooter genre. It also gives you a nice overview of the action and the colorful world. Visually, the game is likely to appeal to both young new players and nostalgic fans of the old-skool titles we grew up with and which are now making a return.

While the title may have you believe we're dealing with three foxes, the game only has a single protagonist. Our namesake fox is just multitalented and can choose between three different classes: Engineer, Mage or Warrior. Each playstyle has its own strengths and weaknesses but if you're so inclined you're free to combine the abilities from these classes to create a loadout that suits you. The announcement trailer does a good job at explaining this:

While not much is known about the story so far (I doubt a lot of people play this genre for the compelling dialogues) it does seem to follow the trope of an evildoer that needs to be defeated and our hero having to visit different worlds to do so.

Each of these worlds will have its own unique visual approach, enemies and bosses to defeat.

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You'll also be motivated to play through the levels again as collected coins can be used to buy new abilities and gems will unlock new rooms in your hubworld. I don't know about you, but I'm a bit of a completionist when it comes to these things, so I'll be revisiting the locations over & over until I have a 100% trophy/achievement!

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Trifox is going to release later this year on PC & consoles, but you can already wishlist it on Steam:

Wishlist Trifox on Steam

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Want to keep up-to-date on any developments for this awesome indie game? Here are some useful links, pick your poison:

We hope you've enjoyed this new feature and if you're a Belgian game developer yourself, don't be afraid to reach out and maybe we'll spotlight your game next month!

Get in touch!

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